Last Updated 2 weeks by Amnon J. Jobi | Amnon Front Page
Many Hoosiers with sickle cell disease rely on Medicaid
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Sickle cell disease (SCD) advocates are calling for Medicaid expansion before a rally at the statehouse on Monday.
More than 1,700 Hoosiers have sickle cell disease, a blood disorder that can cause blockages, organ damage, and stroke. Nearly 70% of those with SCD rely on Medicaid, according to the Indiana Sickle Cell Consortium.
The Indiana Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) Medicaid program ends coverage at 21 years old, but sickle cell disease is a lifelong health issue.
“Medicaid access is extremely crucial for people with sickle cell disease,” said Kisha Hampton with Innovative Hematology, Inc.
Hampton called Medicaid expansion “life or death.”
Gov. Mike Braun’s administration has promised to constrain Medicaid eligibility, even ordering providers to stop advertising Medicaid programs on TV and radio.
“I think that is the wrong direction,” Hampton said. “[Patients] need this expansion.”
Indiana Sickle Cell Consortium will gather Hoosiers living with sickle cell disease, physicians, and social workers at the Indiana State Capitol (2nd Floor South Atrium) from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. for its Advocacy Day on Monday, asking lawmakers to extend the age cap on CSHCS.

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