Last Updated 2 weeks by Amnon J. Jobi | Amnon Front Page
Last year, Nola Ray said she stopped selling her body on OnlyFans, which is largely a subscription-based pornography website, after she turned her life over to God.
Since she spoke about leaving pornography on “The Michael Knowles Show,” Ray has been the subject of much hate and criticism, namely being accused of lying about her conversion to Christianity and still profiting off of pornography. Returning to Knowles’ show “Michael &,” in an interview released Saturday, Ray addressed her critics and discussed how she and her husband, a fellow Christian named Jordan Giordano, hope to help others.
Knowles first asked Ray if her conversion to Christianity was fake, and had he been “duped,” as Ray’s critics say.
“Something about you drove people up a wall,” Knowles said about the reaction to his first conversation with Ray. “I’ll tell you, the first thing that people came at me with, they said, ‘Michael, this girl … lied – maybe she didn’t lie about getting married … but she lied about quitting porn, her porn site is still active. She lied about her conversion. She’s not really Christian. She lied about everything. And she duped you, Michael. You weren’t mean enough to her.’”
“So what do you say?” Knowles asked. “Was I duped?”
“No, you absolutely were not,” Ray answered. “I feel like even in our first interview, you felt how genuine it was and you even remarked on that. And I feel like from one believer to another, you can just sense the spirit behind that.”
“I don’t know why people thought I became more famous because I was Christian now, or how they think that becoming a Christian is going to sell more on OnlyFans,” she added, while Knowles noted that someone quitting porn and vice for God is a “good story.”
“At the end of the day, it was just a sacrifice I made, and it was between me and God,” Ray said. “And I could say that I was a Christian and continue doing OnlyFans, but we know that there’s no truth behind that. Or, I could truly give my life to God and see what He has for me by sacrificing OnlyFans, and people in my life, the money, the fame, all of that just to follow Christ.”
“You Lied About Everything?” Michael & The Prodigal Daughter 2 | Nala Ray
— The Michael Knowles Show (@MKnowlesShow) February 1, 2025
Knwoles then inquired about the current status of Ray’s OnlyFans account.
“I had full intent to delete my OnlyFans,” Ray said. “I even showed [Giordano], and we were right next to each other when I pushed the delete button back in, like, January [last year]. What happened was, I had so many subscribers – OnlyFans won’t allow you to close your account until every single subscriber has unsubscribed, like they physically have to push the button. But what they don’t know is that people sometimes are very inactive on OnlyFans. So I am still waiting for the site to be completely shut down.”
“However, you can’t do anything,” she continued. “I can’t even log in anymore. Everything’s deleted off the site. There’s no price to get in – nothing. So OnlyFans has disabled the site, but it’s not down yet, if that makes sense.”
OnlyFans disables creators’ accounts if there are still active subscribers; once the last active subscription expires, accounts will be permanently deleted.
Ray said she makes “zero” from the account while it’s disabled. “The subscription price is zero,” she said.
Addressing another criticism, Ray said she initially raised the subscription price after her content was removed and her account was disabled, attempting to encourage subscribers to leave and dissuade new subscribers (though it appears new subscribers are not allowed on disabled accounts). “The price was only raised for a very short period of time,” she said. “We were like, crap, it’s been like three days and not working.” Since then, the price has been set to $0, she said.
Ray made millions of dollars during her time on the platform, but says most of that is now gone.
“You mentioned financial problems,” Knowles said to Ray. “But you made a ‘bazillion’ dollars in pornography – so how do you have financial problems?”
“What happened was I made 14 million [gross] … and netted $9 million,” Ray responded. “OnlyFans takes 20% of what you make, and then the agency that I was working with … they took a hefty, like 45%. And I was living in California, which also takes so much in taxes.”
“So it got cut up like three times and I’m left with what I’m left with,” she said. “We had a really nice little [nest egg], and then we had to liquidate that because taxes came in for this year from last year, and I made money in 2023, and then this big life-change happened in January.”
“Then there goes the money,” Knowles said, to Ray’s agreement.
“All right, so you’re out of money,” Knowles continued. “People have criticized you because they say you made all this money and now you’ve converted. And because God saves you through His free grace, well, that’s good. … [But] where’s the penance? They say you should give all your money away.”
“I don’t know what they want me to give away at this point, because I’ve given away all of my designer things, I sold my Porsche, I don’t live in the same home anymore,” Ray said. “And so I’m like, what else do you want me to give?”
Ray told Knowles that she’s also currently paying a third party to remove her pornographic content from the internet. She said she’s having a lot of success, but admitted that there will always be a “crumb” of her content still out there.
“I guess the takeaway for a girl who’s doing it is, you can fix a lot of this,” Knowles said. “But the warning to the girl who isn’t doing it yet is, there’s always going to be some crumb. You’re better not to do it at all, actually.”
Ray also said that she wishes she could apologize face-to-face with the wives of men who viewed her content, and to anyone else she hurt.
“There have been many times where I’ve just been sitting down in my Bible time where I feel the hearts of the people who I hurt, the hearts of the women who caught their husband watching me,” she expressed. “It’s very heavy. It’s a burden – and I can’t say I’m sorry enough. I’ve said I’m sorry a couple of times on camera, but I just feel like that’s so impersonal. If I could, I’d love to say it to people in front of their face.”
Ray and her husband, who’s been creating Christian content online since 2021, both said they feel called to spread the word of God and help others. For Ray, she’s working to get girls off of OnlyFans and develop relationships with them. For Giordano, he’s working with men who struggle with pornography, a struggle he’s personally navigated.
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