Last Updated 5 days by Amnon J. Jobi | Amnon Front Page
Indianapolis neighborhoods struggle day after snowstorm ends
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A person who’s called Indianapolis home for years say this week’s snowstorm was one of the heaviest he’s seen in years.
Michael Wilkerson has shoveled his driveway several times since the snow started Sunday. “I mean we haven’t had a winter like this I’m sure in like three or four years. We’ve had snow, but it hadn’t been significant like this.”
The National Weather Service has said the storm left from 7-10 inches of snow in various parts of Indianapolis and Marion County. That brought out the shovels and snowplows in residential neighborhoods. The city government has its own snowplow tracker, Indy Snow Force Viewer, so people can see what’s happening.
The Indianapolis Department of Public Works on Monday was focusing on plowing streets that first responders use the most and that get the most traffic. On Tuesday, Public Works was shifting its focus to connector streets.
Wilkinson emphasized an urgent need for Indianapolis officer to help in clearing neighborhood roads. “The emphasis is put on the roads downtown and the highways, and, I mean I guess, (that) is understood as well. But, people in here have got to get out and go to work, so we should have priority as well.”
“There was a lot of people like myself that shoveled like three driveways, and I loaned out my snowblower a couple of times, so people just weren’t prepared. Some people just moved here and not prepared for this kind of weather. We haven’t had this kind of weather in a couple of years so there was frustration.”
Another resident, Zal Ndiaoie, has been confined to his home by a winter illness. However, Ndiaoie echoed Wilkerson’s concerns as he worked to clear and salt his driveway, a job that took more than two hours Tuesday afternoon.
Ndiaoie said, “I just did my front door with my snowblower, and then I decided to take care of the ice on my driveway. It’s been a lot. It’s a lot of work, and (I) may have to stay home to clean up, but hopefully it’s not going to be too much because I’m suffering now, you know?”
This story was from a script aired on WISH-TV.
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